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Bergen Swamp

Bergen Swamp Hessenthaller Road, Bergen, NY, United States

A trip to this unique place is by special permit [...]

Odonata Sanctuary

Odonata Sanctuary 20 Parrish Road, Honeoye Falls, NY, United States

The 100 acre privately owned Odonata Sanctuary, 20 Parrish Road, [...]

Barnhart’s Camp and Keeney Swamp

Barnhart's Camp and Keeney Swamp 9045 State Route 408, Nunda, NY, United States

We will be birding as we drive (and stop) throughout [...]

Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge

Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge, Seneca Falls, NY, United States

We’ll be looking for waterfowl and migrating shorebirds. Expect to [...]

Braddock Bay East Spit

Braddock Bay East Spit 105 East Manitou Road, Rochester, NY, United States

The East Spit of Braddock Bay is a well-known spot [...]

Whiting Road Nature Preserve

Whiting Road Preserve 403 Whiting Road, Webster, NY, United States

This preserve includes about 240 acres of land that is [...]

Durand-Eastman Park

Durand Eastman Park Lakeshore Boulevard, Rochester, NY, United States

We’ll be looking for thrushes and other migrants. Durand can [...]

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