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Four Mile Creek Preserve, Webster

Four Mile Creek Preserve Phillips & Lake Road, Webster, NY, United States

We will look for spring migrants along the approximately 2 [...]

Cobbs Hill Park

Cobbs Hill Park Culver Road and Norris Drive, Rochester, NY, United States

With spring in full swing, come to one of Rochester's [...]

Braddock Bay Hawk Lookout

Braddock Bay Park 199 East Manitou Road, Greece, NY, United States

This trip is for the spring hawk flight and migrating [...]

Ontario Pathways (Flint Creek section)

Ontario Pathways 2011-2077 New York 96, Clifton Springs, NY, United States

We’ll look for warblers and other spring migrants along this [...]

Manitou Beach Preserve

Manitou Beach Preserve Manitou Beach Preserve, Manitou Beach Rd, Hilton, NY, United States

Our trip to this lakeside treasure should rack up good [...]

Amy’s Pond & Woodsmith — Genesee Land Trust / RBA Joint Trip

Amy's Ponds - Genesee Land Trust and Conservation Easements 484 Lake Road, Ontario, NY, United States

This is a field trip to the private property of Janet Smith for spring migrants, early nesters and waterfowl.  Two adjacent easements make up 187 acres that include two large ponds, mature woodland, and open fields all within 0.5 mile of Lake Ontario. 

Oatka Creek Park

Oatka Creek Park Quaker Road & Union Street, Garbutt, NY, United States

Woods and meadow provide great habitat for nesting species such [...]

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