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Mike Burger: Conservation for Birders: Getting Involved, Giving Back, Preserving the Passion

In this presentation, Mike Burger will provide an overview of current regional bird conservation priorities and needs, followed by examples of ways that birders can contribute to conservation efforts and help sustain bird populations, from bird monitoring to political advocacy to flexing their economic muscles and more.

By |2016-01-10T13:40:05-05:00January 10, 2016||

November: Robert Rice – “A Warbler in My Coffee? : Linking Conservation to the Market Place via Bird Friendly Certification”

Neo-tropical migratory birds have shown some drastic population declines in recent decades, evidence of a number of challenges they face during the entire migratory cycle.

By |2015-10-19T16:47:59-04:00October 19, 2015||
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