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Winter Waterfowl and Other Possibilities

Irondequoit Bay Outlet 5000 Culver Road, Rochester, NY, United States

We will look for Long-tailed Ducks, mergansers, scaup and others that may be present.  We will then drive over to Summerville and Charlotte to see what is in the river. 

Birds and Brews @ Bill Gray’s Seabreeze Taproom

Bill Gray's Seabreeze Tap Room 4870 Culver Road, Rochester, NY, United States

February's Birds & Brews will take place after the Winter Waterfowl Tour on Sunday, February 16th. Meet at 12 noon at at Bill Gray's Tap Room.  All are welcome!

March Meeting: Christina Hoh, NYSDEC Biologist, Avon NY – “Monitoring New York’s Winter Raptors”

The Clover Center of the Arts and Spirituality/The Baptist Temple 1101 Clover Street, Rochester, NY, United States

Dear RBA members. Our meeting tonight at 7:30 at the Baptist Temple, 1100 Clover Street, Rochester, will go on as planned. Your health and well-being are our concern. Please consider the following: If you are not feeling well, please stay home. If it has been less than 14 days since returning from a trip where the corona virus has been active, please stay home.

Lake Shore Marshes East Wildlife Management Area Field Trip

Lakeshore Marshes East Wildlife Management Area Broadway Road, North Wolcott, NY, United States

This extensive driving tour of the large natural area to our northeast always turns up some great birds! We’ll look for unusual ducks, late winter birds, and interesting migrants like Fox Sparrow.

CANCELLED ** Beginner Birder Trip: Owl Woods & Hawk Watch Site

Owl Woods 349 Manitou Beach Road, Rochester, NY, United States

We’ll look primarily for our smallest visiting owl, the Northern Saw-whet, which returns to this spot on a yearly basis. Long-eared Owl generally put in an appearance, too, although they’re quite shy and great at hiding.

***CANCELLED***April Meeting: Jean Iron – “The Nature of Arctic Birds “

The Clover Center of the Arts and Spirituality/The Baptist Temple 1101 Clover Street, Rochester, NY, United States

Arctic birds have a special attraction for birders and are amongst our most sought-after species. In this presentation, Jean will take us north to look at birds whose exceptional endurance and lifestyle are determined by the relentless forces of nature.

***CANCELLED***Woodcock Courtship Flight at Braddock Bay Bird Observatory Field Trip

Braddock Bay Bird Observatory 10 Braddocks Avenue, Hilton, NY, United States

This will be an evening trip for woodcock courtship flight.  If you’ve never seen this spectacle, prepare to be amazed: birds call noisily from the ground in grassy fields before spiraling rapidly up high, descending back down in a zigzagging noisy frenzy, only to start the cycle anew.  An amazing sight!

***CANCELLED***High Acres Nature Area Field Trip

High Acres Nature Area (HANA) 425 Perinton Parkway, Fairport, NY, United States

Over 130 bird species have been observed at HANA including more than 70 that nest in the diverse habitats found there. During this field trip we expect to see at least 40 species returning to nest or on their way to northern nesting grounds.

***CANCELLED***Highland Park Field Trip

Highland Park Reservoir Avenue, Rochester, NY, United States

We'll be looking for spring migrants and lovely flora. This walk would be gorgeous even without the birds, but it does have birds in abundance!

***CANCELLED***Braddock Bay Hawk Lookout Field Trip

Braddock Bay Park 199 East Manitou Road, Greece, NY, United States

This trip is for the spring hawk flight and migrating songbirds.  This is a joint trip with the Buffalo Ornithological Society. 

***CANCELLED*** Taylor Marsh Field Trip

Taylor Marsh Allens Hill Road & Nighan Hill Road, Honeoye, NY, United States

Taylor Marsh is a preserve owned by the Bergen Swamp Preservation Society and located in Ontario County north of Honeoye Lake. It is best known for marsh birds, including both local bittern and Virginia Rail. However, the star attraction is the 2-3 Sandhill Cranes that have been present in this area all year around for many years.

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