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Sold out! Rochester Warbler Workshop: Finding & Identifying the Crown Jewels of Spring

Lakeview Community Church 30 Long Pond Rd, Greece, NY, United States

Join regional birding experts Kevin Griffith and Bob Marcotte for a Saturday workshop designed to enrich and enhance your experience with warblers this season. We’ll cover warbler identification, song, resources and conservation in the classroom. Participants are then invited to their choice of special field trips led by Kimberly Sucy and other talented Rochester birders throughout the month of May.

RBA Shorebird Identification Workshop – Registration closed!

Lakeview Community Church 30 Long Pond Rd, Greece, NY, United States

The RBA Shorebird Workshop, led by Dominic Sherony, will cover all the shorebirds that can be found in the Rochester area and will focus on how to look at shorebirds. It is intended for beginner and intermediate birders who want to expand their knowledge of these amazing birds.

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