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Beginner Trip: Charlotte & Turning Point Park – Registration Opens August 28, 2021

Charlotte / Ontario Beach Park Charlotte Park, 4800 Lake Avenue, Rochester, NY, United States

We’ll be looking for shorebirds, warblers, and other fall migrants along the river and lakeshore. At Charlotte Beach, we’ll look for gulls in many plumages and some shorebirds, too. At Turning Point Park, we will look for the usual suspects and fall migrants. Bring binoculars.

Beginner Trip: Charlotte & Turning Point Park – Registration Open!

Charlotte / Ontario Beach Park Charlotte Park, 4800 Lake Avenue, Rochester, NY, United States

We’ll be looking for shorebirds, warblers, and other fall migrants along the river and lakeshore.  At Charlotte Beach, we’ll look for gulls in many plumages and some shorebirds, too.  At Turning Point Park, we will look for the usual suspects and fall migrants. 

Beginner Trip: Charlotte & Badgerow Park

Charlotte / Ontario Beach Park Charlotte Park, 4800 Lake Avenue, Rochester, NY, United States

We’ll be looking for shorebirds, warblers, and other fall migrants in Greece and environs. Badgerow Park is a small area that offers good vantage points along pleasant trails, with the occasional surprise rarity.

Beginner Birder Trip: Charlotte, Braddock Bay, and Lakeshore Fields

Charlotte / Ontario Beach Park Charlotte Park, 4800 Lake Avenue, Rochester, NY, United States

Warmer weather is on its way and with it, bird activity picks up. We’ll check water for ducks, fields for inland birds, and watch the skies for raptors as well.

Beginner Trip: Charlotte & Badgerow Park

Charlotte / Ontario Beach Park Charlotte Park, 4800 Lake Avenue, Rochester, NY, United States

We’ll be looking for shorebirds, warblers, and other fall migrants in Greece and environs. Badgerow Park is a small area that offers good vantage points along pleasant trails, with the occasional surprise rarity.

Beginner Birder Trip: Charlotte, Braddock Bay, and Lakeshore Fields

Charlotte / Ontario Beach Park Charlotte Park, 4800 Lake Avenue, Rochester, NY, United States

Warmer weather is on its way and with it, bird activity picks up. We’ll check water for ducks, fields for inland birds, and watch the skies for raptors as well.

Afternoon Owl Trek Field Trip

Charlotte / Ontario Beach Park Charlotte Park, 4800 Lake Avenue, Rochester, NY, United States

By the day after Thanksgiving, wintering owls may have returned to the area while our resident owls remain close to their home turf. We’ll be looking for Eastern Screech-, Great Horned, Snowy and Short-eared Owl primarily in this trip that may involve driving between counties to get to where the owls are!

Beginner Trip: Charlotte & Badgerow Park

Charlotte / Ontario Beach Park Charlotte Park, 4800 Lake Avenue, Rochester, NY, United States

We’ll be looking for shorebirds, warblers, and other fall migrants in Greece and environs. Badgerow Park is a small area that offers good vantage points along pleasant trails, with the occasional surprise rarity.

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