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Hamlin Beach State Park Field Trip – Registration Opens October 2, 2022 at 7:30pm

We’ll start off walking flat wooded and brushy areas of the park, looking for thrushes, sparrows, and maybe a half-hardy warbler or two. After that, we’ll stop by the lake watch to view ducks on the water and in flight, learning about the lake watch process.

By |2022-09-20T15:51:25-04:00January 11, 2022||

Hamlin Beach State Park Field Trip – Registration Opens October 3, 2021

We’ll start off walking flat wooded and brushy areas of the park, looking for thrushes, sparrows, and maybe a half-hardy warbler or two. After that, we’ll stop by the lake watch to view ducks on the water and in flight, learning about the lake watch process.

By |2020-12-29T17:28:02-05:00December 29, 2020||

Hamlin Beach State Park Field Trip – Cancelled

We’ll start off walking wooded and brushy areas of the park, looking for thrushes, sparrows, and maybe a half-hardy warbler or two. After that, we’ll stop by the lake watch to view ducks on the water and in flight, learning about the lake watch process as we share scopes.

By |2019-12-03T15:04:42-05:00December 3, 2019||
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