Last 30 Days Gallery

Featured Image: Canada Goose, LaSalles Landing © Niki Banke, March 2nd, 2025

Show off your bird pics!

This is the place to show off your best western/central NY bird pictures from the past thirty days. We welcome shots from photographers of all levels, using any kind of equipment. Whether it’s a nice cell phone pic of a House Sparrow on your bird feeder or a beautifully lit portrait of the rarest rarity taken with top notch gear, we want to see it!

Not an RBA member? JOIN NOW so your photos can be added to our online gallery!

We can often use more than one photo of the same species, especially if they are taken at different times and locations or show different angles from those already posted. Seeing more birds under varying conditions makes us all better birders, so don’t be shy about sharing.

Photos remain in the Last 30 Days Gallery until they are 30 days old, when they are moved to a monthly archive gallery.

Last 30 Days Gallery Guidelines:

  1. You must be an RBA member to contribute photos.
  2. Photo(s) must have been taken in western/central New York in the last 30 days. 
  3. We may crop or edit your photos to bring out their best. Photo file sizes are adjusted for optimum web viewing. We cannot use photos with a watermark or copyright symbol on them, but we always include copyright info in the caption.
  4. If we receive multiple pics of the same species we try to post at least one for each person submitting. We want all RBA members to have the opportunity to show off their photos! However, we may not be able to use all the photos submitted every month.
  5. Attach your photos to an email and send to The following information MUST be included in the email for each photo: (a) bird identification, (b) where picture was taken (hotspot, park, or town name), (c) RBA member name, (d) date bird photo was taken. Most photos will be added to the gallery within a few days of receipt.  
  6. By submitting your image to RBA, you are granting RBA the rights to use your image on our website, social media, and other electronic properties.

Questions? Feel free to email us at

Thank you!

We can’t wait to see your photos!