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February: Andrea Patterson – “What’s In a Name?”

The Clover Center of the Arts and Spirituality/The Baptist Temple 1101 Clover Street, Rochester, NY, United States

Why is an Orange-crowned Warbler called by this name when only a tiny bit of orange--rarely seen--exists on its head? Why is a Robin called a Robin when it is in the Thrush family? Come find out when Andrea presents results of her research at the February 8, 2018, Rochester Birding Association monthly meeting.

Beginner Birder Trip: Charlotte, Braddock Bay, and Lakeshore Fields

Charlotte / Ontario Beach Park Charlotte Park, 4800 Lake Avenue, Rochester, NY, United States

Warmer weather is on its way and with it, bird activity picks up. We’ll check water for ducks, fields for inland birds, and watch the skies for raptors as well.

March: Lynn Braband – “Protecting Yourself from Ticks & Tick-borne Disease”

The Clover Center of the Arts and Spirituality/The Baptist Temple 1101 Clover Street, Rochester, NY, United States

As March is ushered in and the snow begins to melt, more of us will be heading out to our favorite birding spots. As we trek through fields and forests in search of birds, we must take precautions against ticks. Come to the March 8, 2018, RBA meeting where Lynn Braband of the New York State Community Integrated Pest Management Program of Cornell University will talk to us about these insects and what we all need to do to keep safe.

Hamlin Beach State Park Field Trip

Hamlin Beach State Park 1 Camp Hill Road, Hamlin, NY, United States

Starting at Hamlin Beach State Park we will be looking for migrating waterfowl. We will move to Braddock Bay Hawk Watch in hopes of spotting Rough-legged and Red-shouldered Hawk and eagles.

Lake Shore Marshes East Wildlife Management Area Field Trip

Lakeshore Marshes East Wildlife Management Area Broadway Road, North Wolcott, NY, United States

This extensive driving tour of the large natural area to our northeast always turns up some great birds! We’ll look for unusual ducks, late winter birds, and interesting migrants like Fox Sparrow.

March RBA – Young Birder Event – Sunday, March 18, 2018

Private Home Call Andrea Patterson (Cell 585-490-5361) for the address, Rochester, NY, United States

The weather is always unpredictable in March, so we'll be spending most of our meeting indoors at the home of the Kunz family, who lives right on the lakeshore. We can watch gulls and ducks from their enormous windows, and we can play birding games in the comfort of a warm house.

Beginner Birder Trip: Owl Woods & Hawk Watch Site

Owl Woods 349 Manitou Beach Road, Rochester, NY, United States

We’ll look primarily for our smallest visiting owl, the Northern Saw-whet, which returns to this spot on a yearly basis. Long-eared Owl generally put in an appearance, too, although they’re quite shy and great at hiding.

April: Fred Stoss – “Climate Change: Is It All for the Birds, or What?”

The Clover Center of the Arts and Spirituality/The Baptist Temple 1101 Clover Street, Rochester, NY, United States

Climate Change: Is It All for the Birds, or What? Come find out at the RBA monthly meeting on Thursday, April 12 at 7:00 pm at the Clover Center. Fred Stoss, a local scientist and librarian with more than 35 years of experience in dealing with issues of climate change, and who trained under Al Gore’s “The Climate Project” will present.

Owl Woods (“Pear Orchard”) Woodcock Courtship Flight Field Trip

Owl Woods 349 Manitou Beach Road, Rochester, NY, United States

This will be an evening trip for woodcock courtship flight. If you’ve never seen this spectacle, prepare to be amazed: birds call noisily from the ground in grassy fields before spiraling rapidly up high, descending back down in a zig-zagging noisy frenzy only to start the cycle anew.

Trails at High Acres Nature Area (Perinton Ponds Area) Field Trip

High Acres Nature Area (HANA) 425 Perinton Parkway, Fairport, NY, United States

Over 130 bird species have been observed at HANA including more than 70 that nest in the diverse habitats found there. During this field trip we expect to see at least 40 species returning to nest or on their way to northern nesting grounds.

Braddock Bay Hawk Lookout Field Trip

Braddock Bay Park 199 East Manitou Road, Greece, NY, United States

This trip is for the spring hawk flight and migrating songbirds. This is a joint trip with the Buffalo Ornithological Society.

Highland Park Field Trip

Highland Park Reservoir Avenue, Rochester, NY, United States

We'll be looking for spring migrants and lovely flora. This walk would be gorgeous even without the birds, but it does have birds in abundance!

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