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Rochester Christmas Bird Count – Sunday, December 17th, 2017

Join us for the 118th Christmas Bird Count of the National Audubon Society and the 114th Rochester CBC. New observers will be paired with experienced birders. Lots of eyes make for a better count! Contact area leader for details.

Lakeshore Plains West Field Trip

Braddock Bay Park 199 East Manitou Road, Greece, NY, United States

A driving tour of the farm fields and open lands to the west of Rochester, this trip will search for Snow Bunting, Lapland Longspur, Northern Shrike, and hawks in the plains and country roads of western Monroe and Orleans counties.

Avon and Lima Rural Tour Field Trip

Nations Road 2658-2682 Nations Rd, Avon, NY, United States

We’ll revisit the Nations Road area to look for Northern Shrike, hawks, Snow Bunting, and other birds of the fields and farmland in winter.

January RBA – Young Birder Event – Sunday, January 28, 2018

Private Home Call Andrea Patterson (Cell 585-490-5361) for the address, Rochester, NY, United States

This month, we'll be meeting the Carey home for an afternoon of fun. The Carey's live on the Ganargua Creek in Farmington, and their backyard is a fantastic woodlot filled with wintering birds.

February: Andrea Patterson – “What’s In a Name?”

The Clover Center of the Arts and Spirituality/The Baptist Temple 1101 Clover Street, Rochester, NY, United States

Why is an Orange-crowned Warbler called by this name when only a tiny bit of orange--rarely seen--exists on its head? Why is a Robin called a Robin when it is in the Thrush family? Come find out when Andrea presents results of her research at the February 8, 2018, Rochester Birding Association monthly meeting.

Beginner Birder Trip: Charlotte, Braddock Bay, and Lakeshore Fields

Charlotte / Ontario Beach Park Charlotte Park, 4800 Lake Avenue, Rochester, NY, United States

Warmer weather is on its way and with it, bird activity picks up. We’ll check water for ducks, fields for inland birds, and watch the skies for raptors as well.

March: Lynn Braband – “Protecting Yourself from Ticks & Tick-borne Disease”

The Clover Center of the Arts and Spirituality/The Baptist Temple 1101 Clover Street, Rochester, NY, United States

As March is ushered in and the snow begins to melt, more of us will be heading out to our favorite birding spots. As we trek through fields and forests in search of birds, we must take precautions against ticks. Come to the March 8, 2018, RBA meeting where Lynn Braband of the New York State Community Integrated Pest Management Program of Cornell University will talk to us about these insects and what we all need to do to keep safe.

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