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Lakeshore Plains West Field Trip

Braddock Bay Park 199 East Manitou Road, Greece, NY, United States

A driving tour of the farm fields and open lands to the west of Rochester, this trip will search for Snow Bunting, Lapland Longspur, Northern Shrike, and hawks in the plains and country roads of western Monroe and Orleans counties.

Beginner Birder Trip: Mendon Ponds Park Songbird Trail

Mendon Ponds Park 95 Douglas Road, Honeoye Falls, NY, United States

This trip will be a leisurely winter walk featuring some very close looks at our winter passerines! Bring some sunflower seeds and your camera!

Avon and Lima Rural Tour Field Trip

Nations Road 2658-2682 Nations Rd, Avon, NY, United States

We’ll search the Nations Road area, looking for Northern Shrike, hawks, Snow Bunting, and other birds of the fields and farmland in winter.

RBA Young Birder Event: Ducks – Where is the White?

Private Home Call Andrea Patterson (Cell 585-490-5361) for the address, Rochester, NY, United States

Ducks are awesome, and lucky for us, they are abundant in Rochester even in the winter. Lake Ontario and the Finger Lakes team with mergansers, scaup, scoter, Long-tailed Ducks, Redheads, Common Goldeneye, and more even on the coldest days.

NEW! Winter Waterfowl and Other Possibilities

Irondequoit Bay Outlet 5000 Culver Road, Rochester, NY, United States

We will meet at Irondequoit Bay Outlet at 8:30 a.m. to look for Long-tailed Ducks, mergansers, scaup and others that may be present.

RBA Young Birder Event: Bird’s Eye View of Raptors with the Fords

Private Home Call Andrea Patterson (Cell 585-490-5361) for the address, Rochester, NY, United States

Oftentimes when we’re observing raptors, they are tiny specks a thousand feet overhead. If we’re lucky, we see them perched in a tree or on a light post. This month, we have the opportunity to see Braddock Bay Raptor Research’s educational raptors up close.

February: Charlie Cowling – “Early 20th Century Upstate New York Photographers Lead the Way in a New Method of ‘Collecting’ Birds in the Field”

The Clover Center of the Arts and Spirituality/The Baptist Temple 1101 Clover Street, Rochester, NY, United States

Featuring recently salvaged and digitized images from rare glass lantern slides, Charlie Cowling, archivist at SUNY Brockport, will present images of New York birds taken by regional birders in the early 20th century.

Beginner Birder Trip: Charlotte, Braddock Bay, and Lakeshore Fields

Charlotte / Ontario Beach Park Charlotte Park, 4800 Lake Avenue, Rochester, NY, United States

Warmer weather is on its way and with it, bird activity picks up. We’ll check water for ducks, fields for inland birds, and watch the skies for raptors as well.

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