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Ontario Pathways Field Trip – Registration Opens May 4, 2021

Ontario Pathways 2011-2077 New York 96, Clifton Springs, NY, United States

We’ll look for warblers and other spring migrants along this level, rails-to-trails pathway in Ontario County.  This well-maintained trail is an established favorite for wildlife viewing and scenic views. 

May Meeting via Zoom!: Nathan Pieplow – “Hearing Evolution”

Over the past two decades, DNA studies have radically restructured the bird family tree. Now ducks and chickens are together at the front of the field guide; falcons have landed next to parrots; our tanagers are grosbeaks; our seedeater is a tanager!

Powder Mills Park & BANC Sanctuary Joint Field Trip with Burroughs Audubon Nature Club – Registration Opens May 8, 2021

Powder Mills Park 199 Park Road, Pittsford, NY, United States

On the east side, Powder Mills Park is a mature woodland and wetland park that can be productive for many late-migrating or nesting species. In recent years, Baltimore Orioles, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Scarlet Tanagers, Pileated Woodpeckers, Red-tailed Hawks, American Woodcocks and Blue-winged Warblers have all nested there.

Manitou Beach Preserve Field Trip – Registration Opens May 9, 2021

Manitou Beach Preserve Manitou Beach Preserve, Manitou Beach Rd, Hilton, NY, United States

Our trip to this lakeside treasure should rack up good numbers of warblers, flycatchers, and other spring arrivals. Owned by the Genesee Land Trust, the Manitou Beach Preserve consists of 5 acres of flat, field, forest and hedgerow, shrub, and cattail wetlands extending into Braddock Bay

Thousand Acre Swamp Field Trip – Registration Opens May 13, 2021

Thousand Acre Swamp Jackson Road and Penfield Center Road, Penfield, NY, United States

Thousand Acre Swamp is a preserve owned by the Nature Conservancy of Western New York. It has a bird checklist of 120 species. This level 2.5-mile walk goes through varied habitats, resulting in a variety of breeding bird species and migrants.

Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge Field Trip – Registration Opens May 15, 2021

Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge, NY, United States

We will search for Prothonotary Warblers, Yellow-throated Vireos, Cerulean Warblers, and other nesting birds at this local natural treasure.  We’ll drive to various spots in the refuge and take an easy walk along one of the very scenic trails.

Norway Road Field Trip – Registration Opens May 16, 2021

Norway Road Norway Road, Murray, NY, United States

This unassuming trip usually racks up one of the longest bird lists of the year. From nesting Cerulean Warbler to Purple Martin along the lake, this trip showcases roadside birding in spectacular fashion!

Ganondagan State Historic Site State Park Field Trip – Registration Opens May 29, 2021

Ganondagan State Historic Site 1488 NY-444, Victor, NY, United States

This trip has generated large species lists due to the many habitat types we will travel through. We will start from the parking lot to the longhouse and the meadowlark field and then head down a wide trail through woods, shrubland, and wetland to an overlook in grassland.

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