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Whether you’re a new or aspiring birder who wants help finding and identifying the most colorful birds of spring, or an experienced birder who is looking for a quick trip on the way home from work, Warbler Wednesdays are a perfect respite for busy people.

Join John Boettcher and the RBA each Wednesday evening in May, for a quick trip.  We’ll meet at 6:00 p.m. in the parking lot of Lucien Morien Park, located at 1135 Empire Blvd. in Penfield.  The park is at the south end of Irondequoit Bay, just to the east of where Irondequoit Creek enters. We’ll bird from the access road that wanders up through the park, examining the edges and adjacent wetlands nearby for migrating warblers and other passerines. While you may want sturdy shoes and bug spray, you likely don’t need your full field wardrobe.

Note:  The address will take you to the right venue, but the pin on the map is in the wrong spot.  We’ll be meeting near MacGregors, not up by Bay Towne.


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