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April 23, Saturday at 2 PM: “The Young Birders of Rochester” at Braddock Bay Raptor Research (BBRR) for Bird of Prey Days 2016.

Presentations by Lynn Bergmeyer/Elijah Kruger, co leaders of RBA Young Birders and young birders Robert Buckert/Nicholas Kachala. From 1-3 PM Sat. there will also be LIVE OWLS (Gary Zimmerman). Lots of other youth activities. Visit www.bbrr.org for details.

May 14, Saturday: International Migratory Bird Day.

Migratory bird capture/banding demonstrations and presentations. Other youth activities TBD. Sponsored by Braddock Bay Bird Observatory (BBBO). RSVP to Andrea Patterson with number of attendees to braddockbaybirdobservatory-at-gmail.com For additional details regarding youth activities as they become better defined go tohttps://braddockbaybirdobservatory.wordpress.com/ Also visit the new Young Birder Facebook connection at that site.

June 5th 8:30 AM: Letchworth SP RBA YBirders field trip lead by Naturalist, Elijah Kruger.

Letchworth is designated as an Important Bird Area, in part because of the great diversity of breeding birds. The park hosts perhaps more species of nesting warbler each year than any other place on Earth! Highlights of this trip usually include Hooded, Blackburnian and Black-throated Green Warblers, Louisiana Waterthrush, Blue-headed and Yellow-throated Vireos, and Scarlet Tanager, as well as chances to see rarities in our area such as Cerulean Warbler and Black Vulture.

Sept 16-17th Fri 6PM- Sat 6P. Montezuma MuckRace (Youth/Mentor Division).

Led by Rochester local mentors. Our Young Birders group won this event last year. Help us defend our title! Contact Lynnbergmeyer@gmail.com for additional details on these activities and YBirder group expansion.


Contact Lynnbergmeyer@gmail.com for additional details on these activities and YBirder group expansion.

The YBirder adult team: Lynn Bergmeyer, Elijah Kruger, Andrea Patterson

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