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Note there are TWO September Meetings – this one at the regular date and time, and a special speaker event later in the month. Your attendance at both is strongly encouraged.

All members, new and old, are encouraged to come out to our September kick-off event: a social Meet & Greet!

Come to this informal member meeting ready to meet other birders, share birding stories, ask questions, listen to committee chairs report on their recent activities, and enjoy a hyper-local discussion about birds. Dominic Sherony will talk a bit about the current shorebird season. Refreshments provided. Committee Chairs, please come ready with committee reports.

Want to present something very short? Write President Laura Kammermeier ASAP at rochesterbirds2@gmail.com.

Thursday, September 8th, 7 pm- 9 pm
The Baptist Temple
1101 Clover Street, Rochester, NY

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