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Do you enjoy watching birds in your yard? Learn some interesting facts about some favorite backyard birds and how to provide food, water, cover, and places for them to raise their young. Learn about the vital role of native plants in providing for their needs. Finally, learn how you can help birds beyond your own yard. Create a bird-friendly yard and enjoy the daily companionship of birds right at home! Janet Allen, co-founder and president of Habitat Gardening in Central New York, based in Syracuse, will present.

Janet Allen is co-founder and president of Habitat Gardening in Central New York, a chapter of the national organization Wild Ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes, an education and advocacy organization. She writes articles for various publications and gives presentations for garden clubs, libraries, and conferences. She is also the creator and webmaster of Our Habitat Garden and Our Edible Garden websites. Her yard is certified as Monarch Waystation #581 by Monarch Watch and as a Certified Wildlife Habitat #27815 by the National Wildlife Federation.

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