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Enjoy the company of other birders! Participate in citizen science!

Join us for the 120th Christmas Bird Count of the National Audubon Society and the 116th Rochester CBC. If you cannot bird in the field, watch your feeder and phone results to the area leader. We’ll pair new observers with experienced birders.

In the evening of the count day, we will gather at Newport Yacht Club (on Seneca Road in Irondequoit) at 6:00 p.m. for pizza (there will be a $5 charge to cover costs) and pot-luck followed by a species tally. Hot cocoa and cider will flow! The tally will start about 7:30 p.m. We will be finished by 9:00 p.m. Come to the tally even if you don’t come to dinner.

Please reply to Norma Platt at 585-260-5221 by Tuesday, December 10.

Birds seen during the count week, December 12 to 18, may be called in to the area leaders.

To participate in the count, call an area leader. Be sure to ask your leader for details. Rochester CBC areas and leaders are as follows:

Bob and Susan Spahn 671-5690 Braddock Bay to Long Pond Road

Greg Lawrence  Long Pond Road to Dewey Avenue

Jay Greenberg Dewey Avenue to Charlotte Harbor

Dominic Sherony 223-7353 Summerville to Culver Road

Tom & Nancy Poeth 872-5344 Culver Road to Baker Road (Webster)

Shirley Shaw 385-3907 Parks and neighborhoods (Highland, Genesee Valley, Mt. Hope Cemetery), crow roost

Andrea Patterson  Seneca Park

Rosemary Reilly Maplewood & Turning Point Parks, Holy Sepulchre and Riverside Cemeteries

John Boettcher  298-0404 West of airport/south of the canal/north of the river


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