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Thursday, May 9, 2024 – “Studying Open-ocean Bird Distributions Using eBird

Dr. Michael Schrimpf 
Post-doctoral Fellow, Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Dr. Michael Schrimpf is a seabird ecologist who grew up in Wisconsin, and first developed an interest in birds in college. That interest, combined with a desire to explore the oceans, led to his graduate work with seabirds. He studied alcids like Common Murres and Rhinoceros Auklets on the West Coast while completing a master’s degree at the University of Washington, and then began working in the Antarctic and Southern Ocean during his PhD work at Stony Brook University, on Long Island, NY. His current work at Cornell involves partnering with expedition cruise companies to understand how eBird data from ships can help map seabird distributions.


Look for the Zoom link in your email a few days prior to the meeting. The Zoom Room will open at 6:45 PM.  Don’t wait until the last minute to sign on, you might be left out!

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