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As March is ushered in and the snow begins to melt, more of us will be heading out to our favorite birding spots. As we trek through fields and forests in search of birds, we must take precautions against ticks. Come to the March 8, 2018, RBA meeting where Lynn Braband of the New York State Community Integrated Pest Management Program of Cornell University will talk to us about these insects and what we all need to do to keep safe.
After a brief description of tick biology, we will look at the 4 species within New York State and the diseases vectored by each, with an emphasis on the black-legged tick and Lyme disease. Procedures for reducing risk of disease by property management and personal protection will be delineated. Resources for more information will also be presented.
Lynn Braband is the Senior Extension Associate for the NYS Community IPM Program at Cornell University.  He received his B.S. from Iowa State University in 1972, and his M.S. from Iowa State University in 1979.
Lynn Braband, a Certified Wildlife Biologist®, joined the NYS Community Integrated Pest Management Program in May 1999 as an Extension Educator. From 1986 through 1997, Lynn was a company vice president and franchise owner/manager with Critter Control, Inc. which is the nation’s leading firm specializing in nuisance wildlife control. He has been an active participant and leader in both state and national vertebrate pest control organizations. Lynn has also taught several college biology courses since 1980.
Since joining the Community IPM Program, Lynn has had major responsibilities in assisting New York State schools and municipalities in the implementation of IPM.  As a volunteer, Braband regularly runs U. S. Geological Survey Breeding Bird Survey routes and participates on the management committee of a private wetland preserve.
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