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A look into the lives of selected bird families touching on a variety of subjects such as how they have adapted to a variety of habitats, some that carry out unimaginable quests for food, a contrast of birds that are colorful and others that are not, and how their long past history is viewed today. Observing birds as living organisms has always interested Dominic Sherony. Through stories and a wide variety of sources, Mr. Sherony hopes to give his audience a different perspective on birds, perhaps one that will allow his listeners to see birds in different ways than they are accustomed.

Dominic Sherony was born and grew up in northern Illinois and attended University of Detroit and Illinois Institute of Technology, completing degrees in Chemical Engineering. He worked for Xerox Corporation for 31 years after graduate school. He took up bird watching as a hobby in 1972 and has been an active birder since , especially since his retirement. He leads local birding field trips, was a region coordinator for the NYS Breeding Bird Atlas and volunteers at the Braddock Bay Bird Observatory. Dominic has written numerous papers about birds, enjoys the challenge of photographing birds, and occasionally give talks.

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