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Save the Date! Come celebrate Rochester’s Phenomenal Raptor Migration
& Browse the Birders’ Gear & Optics Sales Event!

(download flyer)


On April 23-24, Braddock Bay Raptor Research (BBBR) is hosting their popular and family-friendly Bird of Prey Days at Braddock Bay Park. This year, RBA has teamed up with BBBR to co-host a special Birders’ Gear and Optics “tent” where birders will be able to browse through the latest in birding gear and birding optics.

Representatives from Eagle Optics, Phone Skope, and our local Bird House retail shop will be present.

Eagle Optics is highly regarded by birders as THE online place to shop for quality birding optics and The Bird House is our local retail shop that deals in Vortex, Nikon, and other brands as well as bird feeders, field guides, and more. Phone Skope sells adaptors that allow birders to use smartphones and spotting scopes to photograph birds at great distances.

This special event will provide a unique opportunity for birders to talk with optics representatives about how to choose quality binoculars and spotting scopes, to look through models at every price point, to browse the latest birding gear, AND to learn how to “digi-scope” with your smartphone.

Bird of Prey Days is a celebration of raptor migration and is held during the peak of spring hawk migration. In addition to featured presentations by raptor experts (Luke Tiller, Darryl McGrath, Paul Anderson, and more), there will be live owls, falconry demos, kid-friendly activities, and world-class hawk migration if the winds are right. Stop by the hawkwatch to learn what raptors migrate through this area and see them in action.

We are proud that Young Birders of Rochester will also be featured! They will introduce the RBA Young Birders program and answer questions from other young kids about birding in Rochester.

We hope to see you there! Bring a friend, attend an early morning owl prowl, man the hawkwatch, watch a presentation, and browse through the latest in birding gear and optics.

Details below or download flyer.

WHAT: BIRD OF PREY DAYS hosted by Braddock Bay Raptor Research (BBBR)

BIRDING GEAR & OPTICS EVENT co-hosted by BBBR and Rochester Birding Association

WHEN: April 23-24, 9 – 4 pm (owl prowls start earlier)

WHERE: Braddock Bay Park on East Manitou Road in Greece

FEE: $5/suggested per adult, Kids are FREE!

WEBSITE: http://www.bbrr.org/bird-of-prey-days/

EVENTS: (full schedule here)

TOURS/WALKS—Saturday AND Sunday

7:30 a.m.~ Early Morning Owl Prowl
8:30 a.m.~ Song Bird Banding at
Braddock Bay Bird Observatory
9:30 a.m.~ Raptor Banding Station
12:30 p.m.~ Raptor Banding Station


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