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Learn more about the fall migration of shorebirds in this nearby birding treasure. We’ll visit key spots you’ll want to revisit again and again!

Meet in the Bushnell’s Basin Park and Ride lot at 2:00 p.m. The meeting site is off Route 96 just south of Exit 27 from I-490. Extra spotting scopes and FRS radios would be very helpful.

Note: This is a field trip for beginners. New birders should feel free to join these trips regardless of experience level: bring binoculars if you have them, and we will share our scopes. The pace & focus of Beginner Trips may not be satisfying for experienced birders. Our Beginner Trips focus on teaching identification skills, learning new habitats, and answering questions. Experienced birders are welcome but may be pressed into service as educators! 

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