The greater Rochester region is a diverse landscape comprising of habitat lands, farmlands, and urban centers. Join Kevin Farrell and William Macaluso from Genesee Land Trust for an introduction and update on the work of your local land trust. Kevin will provide an overview of the organization, current bird habitat conservation and management projects, and an update on several projects that RBA helped make possible. Following Kevin, William will introduce Salmon Creek Nature Preserve, an exciting new Genesee Land Trust nature preserve in Parma that will be opened to the public later this year. The Land Trust is currently working with neighbors, partners, and members of the birding community to transform this property into a welcoming, accessible community asset—and they’re looking for your input.
Look for the Zoom link in your email a few days prior to the meeting. The Zoom Room will open at 6:45 PM. Don’t wait until the last minute to sign on, you might be left out!

Salmon Creek Nature Preserve and surrounding area © Adam Montoya