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Since 2015, Audubon Great Lakes has led marsh bird monitoring throughout the Chicago region to inform habitat restoration for our declining wetland birds. In this program, Stephanie Beilke will share the background of the survey effort, the results of this work, and new tools the team developed to better connect bird data to land managers leading on the ground restoration. In addition, she will share how the Chicago region is using this work as a model for work across the Great Lakes to restore wetland habitat for birds.

Look for the Zoom link in your email a few days prior to the meeting. The Zoom Room will open at 6:45 PM.  Don’t wait until the last minute to sign on, you might be left out!

Stephanie Beilke is the Conservation Science Manager at Audubon Great Lakes based in Chicago. Stephanie is originally from Green Bay, WI, which is also where she first became interested in birds, by paying attention to the birds visiting her backyard. She graduated from University of Wisconsin Madison in 2007 with a Bachelor’s degree in Zoology & Psychology and has a Master’s degree in Environmental Science & Policy from UW Green Bay, attained in 2015. In her current role, Stephanie oversees marsh bird monitoring projects that are used to inform wetland management across the Great Lakes.


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