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Annual RBA Winter Dinner

Saturday, January 20, 2024
5:00pm – 9:00 pm
Asbury First United Methodist Church
1050 East Avenue Rochester, NY

Reserve your seat:
Wanda Thistle

Please include: your name, the number of people attending, and the side dish you will be bringing. Come hungry! Everyone brings a dish to pass (gluten free and vegetarian dishes are gladly welcomed, as are your usual favorites). The main entrees are Roasted Turkey and Honey Basted Ham.

No Alcohol: The church requests that no alcoholic beverages be consumed on the premises.

The White Albatross table returns! Sell or trade artwork, field guides, and other gently used items. If you bring something for the Table, be sure to price it, and let us know if you want the sale price to go as a donation to RBA or back to you.

Member presentations: Our evening entertainment will be presentations by members of photos from their travels or from local birding adventures, as well as artwork or carvings. If you plan to give a presentation, please let us know and how long it will take. Info about whom to contact will be in the December newsletter.

Please email Richard Ashworth or phone him at (585) 381-2189, who will be coordinating this segment.

Many hands make light work.

If you can help with this event, please contact Wanda Thistle at 585-281-0956.

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