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To make reservations, contact Wanda Thistle by phone (671-5244) or e-mail Wanda Thistle to reserve a spot.

Please advise of the number of people coming, whether or not you are also a member of Burroughs, and the dish you will bring. RBA will provide the grill and charcoal. Each member should bring your own meat to grill, your dish to pass, your place setting (dishes & silverware), and your beverage. Bring tongs or a spatula for use with the grill.

Please carpool if you can because parking is very limited, and don’t forget to bring binoculars for viewing birds.

Directions: From Route 96 turn onto Fishers Road, go 1.3 miles. Right on to Railroad Mills Road, go 0.2 miles. BANC parking is on the right.

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