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A field trip to the private property of Janet Smith for spring migrants, early nesters, and waterfowl. Two adjacent easements make up 187 acres that include two large ponds, mature woodland, and open fields all within 0.5 mi. of Lake Ontario.

Past trips have yielded eagles, bitterns, Sora Rail, many warblers, Scarlet Tanager, etc., etc., etc. We’ll walk along uneven trails, so bring a walking stick if needed and prepare for a medium-long hike. Excellent trails in an outstanding sanctuary open only by special arrangement — many thanks to GLT!

Meet at Webster Park on the West corner of Holt and Lake Roads at 7:00 a.m., or at Amy’s Pond at 7:30 a.m.

To get to Amy’s Pond, take Route 104 east to County Line Road. Drive north until it ends at Lake Road. Turn right and travel approximately one mile to 484 Lake Road, Ontario, N.Y. and turn down the long gravel driveway (on the south side of Lake Road) until you reach the marked parking area.

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