Links and Resources

Local Birding Organizations

Regional Birding Organizations

National Birding Organizations

Bird Cams

Birding Tools

Birding with Kids

Science & Other Cool Info

Classes & Tutorials

Public Lands

Local Birding Organizations

Braddock Bay Bird Observatory – home to the songbird banding station
Braddock Bay Raptor Research – monitoring birds of prey in Rochester
Burroughs Audubon Nature Club – dedicated to ecology and conservation
Genesee Land Trust – preserving land in and around Monroe County
Genesee Valley Audubon Society – local chapter of National Audubon Society
Wild Wings Inc. – a nonprofit housing non-releasable educational birds

Regional Birding Organizations

Buffalo Audubon Society – Buffalo Chapter of National Audubon Society
Buffalo Ornithological Society – birding club serving the Buffalo-Niagara area
Cayuga Bird Club – birding club serving the Cayuga Lake Basin
Cornell Lab of Ornithology – premier research institution located in Ithaca, NY
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
New York State Ornithological Association – connecting birders across NY
Old Bird – acoustic monitoring of avian night flight calls
Onondaga Audubon Society – birding club serving the Syracuse area

Bird Cams

American Kestrels – Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin
Barred Owls – Indianapolis, Indiana
Bermuda Petrels – Nonsuch Island, Bermuda
California Condor – Pole Canyon, California
Cornell Feederwatch – Ithaca, New York
Hellgate Ospreys – Missoula, Montana
Lance-tailed Manakins – Boca Chica, Panama
Montezuma Osprey Cam – view of the Osprey nest near Seneca Falls, NY
Northern Royal Albatross – Taiaroa Head, New Zealand
Ontario Feederwatch – Ontario, Canada
Panama Fruit Feeders – Canopy Lodge, Panama
Red-tailed Hawks – Ithaca, New York
Rochester Falcon Cam  – view of the Peregrine next box at Kodak on State Street
Sapsucker Woods Pond – Ithaca, New York
Savannah Ospreys – Savannah, Georgia
South Africa Fruit Feeders – Pretoria, South Africa
West Texas Feeders – Fort Davis, TX
White-tailed Tropicbird – Nonsuch Island, Bermuda

Birding Tools

BirdCast – bird migration forecasts
eBird – online resource for reporting and researching observations
Cornell Lab of Ornithology BirdCast – using weather forecasting radar to predict and study bird movements

Birding with Kids – Learning Tools & Other Cool Sites

Audubon for Kids – learning activities for kids of many ages
Bird Academy’s Learning Games – for kids ages 6 and up
K-12 Education from Cornell Lab of Ornithology – science and nature lessons
A Kid’s Guide to Birdwatching in the Playground – A Kid’s Guide to Birdwatching In the Playground — Tips for introducing children to birding and nature

Online Learning – Science & Other Cool Info

ABA’s YouTube Channel – virtual bird club, “what’s this bird” live, etc.
Bird Academy’s Open Lectures – 33 archived lectures and seminars
Bird Academy’s Video Series – 175 short videos
Bird-smart Glass – American Bird Conservancy site to prevent window strikes
The Joy of Birds – Audubon website with videos, science articles and more
Bird on the Rebound – Allan Strong – Bobolink spurs new conservation model
The Bobolink Project – linking conservation-minded donors to conservation-minded farmers to conserve grassland birds
All About Bald Eagles – all about our national bird

Online Learning – Classes & Tutorials

Bird Academy’s Course Catalog – but note, these classes are typically not free!
Shorebird ID Webinar – led by Katie Barnes, from Louisiana Audubon
Thayer Birding Software – bird ID training tool, free for all users