Contact Us

Please use this form to contact RBA.  This email will be sent to our organization’s President, who is the primary contact for matters relating to the RBA.  Please note that we are all volunteers and although we try to return correspondence within three days, sometimes it may take longer than that to hear back from us. Thanks in advance for your patience!

Questions regarding your membership can be directed by email to our Membership Chairperson, Doug Rabjohns.

"*" indicates required fields

Are you currently a member of RBA?
Most queries are answered via email as soon as our volunteers find time in their schedules to call. If you prefer a phone call, what is the best time for us to call?
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 50 MB.
Are you reporting a potentially rare bird sighting? Then if possible please submit a photo in .jpg format (image file must be < 50 MB). Sorry, we cannot field requests for bird identifications on this form. We suggest finding one of the many Facebook birding groups to get help with ID.